Clinique For Men Dark Spot Corrector
Introducing the very high performance Clinique For Men Dark Spot Corrector, a silky and quick sinking pre concealer serum that blocks the appearance of hyper-pigmentation, acne and spot scars, as well as fixing them in the long term. Working powerfully behind the scenes of your chosen under eye or anti-blemish concealer for men, correct and camouflage all those facial blemishes that continue to damage your confidence.
Improving skin brightness, this luxuriously textured skin serum is packed with anti inflammatory caffeine to soothe and recharge the skin. Containing hyaluronic acid and cucumber extract also, to improve your skin’s natural moisturising barrier, Clinique’s Dark Spot Corrector For Men guarantees a boom in skin cell production, for the repairing and camouflage of scars instantly. With a blast of anti oxidant agent Salicylic Acid and Glucosamine, bring energy and hydration to your skin surface, whilst improving skin tone.
Size – 30ml